Why Cloud Governance Matters

Cloud Governance

Why Cloud Governance Matters

However, one should not fall into the trap of confusing Cloud Governance to be the same as Cloud Management. Cloud Governance involves a framework with a set of policies and standard practices. This could include policies for cost optimization, resiliency, security, or compliance.

We at Locuz help you develop a cloud governance model that enables you to improve operational integrity, reliability, performance, and transparency using the cloud. We bake in Cloud Security Architecture Design & Review in your Cloud Governance strategy in a way that is integrated with existing Enterprise IT governance processes, policies, boards, & tools.

  • CLOUD ASSURANCE: Cloud Service Operation, Configuration Management, Availability, and Access Management.
  • CLOUD GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE: Business Strategy and Objectives, Risk Management and Security programs, Cloud Governing Board, and Operations team.
  • CLOUD SERVICE CATALOGUE: Service Governance, Process and Service Automation, Service Rollout.
  • CLOUD INFORMATION SECURITY FRAMEWORK: Security Architecture, Risk Management and Control, Legal and Compliance.

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